Saturday, November 17, 2007

US Cultural Imperialism in Paris

NB: the point, for those who might be scratching their heads, is that US pop culture seems to blanket the globe. Something I didn't mention in the video but should have is that the last two stores are in what appears to be an Arabic/North African neighborhood, less than five minutes by foot from not one but two Halal butchers, a rather sharp data point that ought to puncture the rhetorical/theoretical balloons of the “Clash of Civilizations” numbskulls.

The sad thing about US pop culture is that it's not a universalizing force, but a homogenizing one. I wonder how many young 'uns coming to age in areas where radical Islamic sympathies are a real force see the Jihadists as les vrai Jedis. Please note: I'm not saying this neighborhood is such a place, just extrapolating wildly and perhaps irresponsibly from a brief observation. OTOH, I still think I pwn Samuel Huntington's racist crap.

"American Collective" used without permission of, but with deepest respect for, the late, great, George Jefferson Airplane.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

George Jefferson Airplane approves of this campaign advertisement.

Funny - I was thinking the same thing about the interplanetary homogenization of Alderaan when I was visiting the ice world of Hoth. But, the effects were somewhat mitigated by the lack of any sentient life forms. This could be true for Paris as well...