Monday, November 12, 2007

Random Thought

OK, that's the entrance to the Defense Ministry, which is about a 10 minute walk (give or take—I wasn't trying to find it but just happened on it when I was out for a stroll) from my hotel. By my observation, there are at least two other government ministries headquartered in this arrondissement.

Question: could being in a real city as opposed to an artificial government backwater (e.g., Washington D.C.) have an effect on the bureaucrats working for the various government agencies? I'm not saying that because I have a terminal case of Francophilia. It's just that I can't help but think that if the DoD were headquartered in New York's SoHo, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the neocon crew would have been too preoccupied with nailing hawt models to get it together to invade Iraq.

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